Harnessing AI Power: Building the Next Generation Foundation

Harnessing AI Power: Building the Next Generation Foundation


Author: Antti Pohjolainen, Codento

Artificial Intelligence (AI), that field which imbues machines with the power to ‘think’,  is no longer solely the domain of science fiction.  AI and its associated technologies are revolutionizing the way businesses operate, interact with customers, and ultimately shape the future. AI will have to sit at the core if organizations wish to be truly future-proof and embrace sustainable growth.

Yet, building the infrastructure to handle AI-driven projects can be a significant challenge for those organizations not born ‘digital natives’. Here we’ll outline some strategic pathways towards an integrated AI future that scales your business success.


Beyond Hype: Real-World Benefits of an AI Foundation

AI sceptics abound, perhaps wary of outlandish promises and Silicon Valley hyperbole. Let’s cut through the noise and look at some solid reasons to build a future upon a NextGen AI Foundation:

  • Efficiency reimagined: Automation remains a prime benefit of AI systems. Think about repetitive manual tasks – they can often be handled more quickly and accurately by intelligent algorithms. That frees up your precious human resources to focus on strategic initiatives and complex problem-solving that truly drive the business forward.
  • Data-driven decisions: We all have masses of data – often, organizations literally don’t know what to do with it all. AI is the key to transforming data into actionable insights. Make faster, better-informed choices from product development to resource allocation.
  • Predictive powers: Anticipate customer needs, optimize inventory, forecast sales trends – AI gives businesses a valuable window into the future and the chance to act with precision. It mitigates risks and maximizes opportunities.

Take our customers BHG as an example. They needed to implement a solid BI platform to service the whole company now and in the future. With the help of Codento’s data experts, BHG now has a highly automated, robust financial platform in production. Read more here. 


Constructing Your AI Foundation: Key Considerations

Ready to join the AI-empowered leagues? It’s critical to start with strong groundwork:

  • Cloud is King: Cloud-based platforms provide the flexibility, scalability, and computing power that ambitious AI projects demand. Look for platforms with specialized AI services to streamline development and reduce overhead.
  • Data is The Fuel: Your AI systems are only as good as the data they’re trained on. Make sure you have robust data collection, cleansing, and governance measures in place. Remember, high-quality data yields greater algorithmic accuracy.
  • The Human Touch: Don’t let AI fears take hold. This isn’t about replacing humans but supplementing them. Re-skill, re-align, and redeploy your teams to work with AI tools. AI’s success relies on collaboration, and ethical AI development should be your mantra.
  • Start Small, Aim Big: Begin with focused proof-of-concept projects to demonstrate value before expanding your AI commitment. A well-orchestrated, incremental approach can help manage complexity and gain acceptance throughout your organization.


The Road Ahead: AI’s Power to Transform

It’s undeniable that building a Next Generation Foundation with AI requires effort and careful planning. But, the potential for businesses of all sizes is breathtaking.  Imagine streamlined operations, enhanced customer experiences, and insights that lead to unprecedented successes.

AI isn’t just the future – it’s the foundation for the businesses that will be thriving in the future. The time to join the AI revolution is now. The rewards are simply too great to be left on the table.


About the author: Antti  “Apo” Pohjolainen, Vice President, Sales, joined Codento in 2020. Antti has led Innofactor’s (Nordic Microsoft IT provider) sales organization in Finland and, prior to that, worked in leadership roles in Microsoft for the Public sector in Finland and Central & Eastern Europe. Apo has been working in different sales roles longer than he can remember. He gets a “seller’s high” when meeting with customers and finding solutions that provide value for all parties involved. Apo received his MBA from the University of Northampton. His final business research study dealt with Multi-Cloud. Apo has frequently lectured about AI in Business at the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.  


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