Codento - AI App Innovations. On Google Cloud.

The Most Popular AI Use Cases in Finland – Codento’s Fresh Report of 100 AI Workshops Now Available

The Most Popular AI Use Cases in Finland – Codento’s Fresh Report of 100 AI Workshops Now Available


During 1.5 years, Codento has organized a free artificial intelligence workshop for the management of more than 100 Finnish organizations. The goal was to identify, in the opinion of the participants, the most desirable and most valuable uses of artificial intelligence for their own organization and to develop them into more concrete ones. Codento found out that artificial intelligence is the most eagerly sought after to make current operations more efficient, but use cases aimed at growth and innovation are almost conspicuous by their absence. The company wants to wake up Finnish organizations, in addition to streamlining and process automation, to seek growth and new business from artificial intelligence.


The hunger for efficiency overshadowed growth – Artificial intelligence should be used to promote new business models

In August 2022, Codento started contacting Finnish organizations to offer a free, two-hour artificial intelligence workshop. Three goals were defined for the workshops: 1) To stimulate AI thinking and discussion in the participating organization’s own context, 2) To help identify concrete, potential use cases and offer sparring help for their further development, and 3) To produce a tentatively prioritized list of identified use cases in accordance with a common vision and clear steps to start working on them .

So far, 104 Finnish organizations have wanted to participate a free artificial intelligence workshop. An average of 3–7 people from the top or operational management have participated in the customized workshops. Each organization was asked in advance to confidentially describe as many artificial intelligence use cases relevant to the organization as possible, their desired benefits and the magnitude of the benefits.

The AI use cases, identified and described as pre-assignments, were related either to the participants’ own responsibility area or the company goals more broadly. In the workshops, the use cases were reviewed, refined and prioritized together with Codento experts.


Only one percent of use cases aim directly at new business development

A total of 677 use cases were received from participating organizations. Each workshop focused on 1-2 use cases, which were conceptualized and practical suggestions were made for their further development. “Finnish organizations strongly want to understand how artificial intelligence can be used to reduce costs, time and risks and to develop current operations, but it is easy to forget that growth can and should be built with the help of artificial intelligence,” says Codento CEO Anthony Gyursanszky.

Up to 99 percent of AI use cases rated as high benefit focused on streamlining and improving operations, while only a few, only one percent, focused on developing new business. “This may be due to the still narrow understanding of the utilization potential of artificial intelligence. The background may also be Finnish efficiency thinking or management’s limited support for the promotion of new business opportunities,” Gyursanszky reflects.


Towards growth with artificial intelligence experiments

Codento, which in April 2024 was the first Finnish company to be awarded the Google Cloud Partner of the Year award, also wants to encourage Finnish organizations to experiment with artificial intelligence to promote growth and new business opportunities. “Finland needs growth and Finnish companies must remain at the forefront of artificial intelligence development,” says Gyursanszky.

Codento’s experts plan to implement another 100 workshops to develop the artificial intelligence capabilities of Finnish organizations. “In the future, we commit to come up with at least one wild, growth-oriented artificial intelligence use case for every organization participating in the free workshop. With this, we aim to awaken the hunger for innovating the new and expand the understanding of the potential playing field of artificial intelligence,” says Janne Flink, Codenton’s Data & AI Lead and chief architect of artificial intelligence workshops.

Codento has implemented e.g. the artificial intelligence workshops resulted in several interesting solutions for Kamux’s digital platform, Vinka’s digital transport solutions for mobility services, machine vision solutions for iPhone operator Swappie and several artificial intelligence solution sets for industrial automation supplier Fastems.


More information: 

Anthony Gyursanszky, CEO, Codento



About Codento:

Codento is a leading Google Cloud consulting company in Finland and Sweden, specializing in helping businesses harness the full potential of Google Cloud technology with AI and apps. With a dedicated team of experts, Codento empowers its clients to gain competitive edge via clearer customer foresight, smarter operations, and increased software intelligence – all built on a future-proof, nextgen foundation. Codento revenue in 2023 was 5.3 M€ and company size today is over 45 employees.


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