Getting Your Company and Your Cloud AI-ready: Ebook to Rearchitect Your infrastructure to Unlock the Potential of AI

Getting your company and your cloud AI-ready: Ebook to rearchitect your infrastructure to unlock the potential of AI

Our partner Google Cloud created a guide for technical leaders like yourself with a roadmap to build a future-proof foundation for AI innovation. With an infrastructure that can fuel the next generation of your business, new opportunities to operationalize AI will empower teams to generate solutions to legacy challenges.

In this eBook, you will discover:

  • The infrastructure considerations that can determine AI success or failure — examining cost, scalability, security, and performance dimensions
  • Actionable strategies to evaluate AI platforms, optimize resources, and maximize the value of your AI tools
  • How and when to consider adopting managed machine learning offerings like Vertex AI and flexible container environments like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to ease the operational burdens of your team
  • Best practices for leveraging specialized virtual machines (VMs) optimized for AI, including and equipped with GPUs and TPUs.

Ready to tap into the power of generative AI?​​​​​​​


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